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The Bush Adm. unveiled a sinister plan Sunday night rescue super-rich investor/stockholders in mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, offering to extend Taxpayer Public Debt Trillions of $$ by tricking Congress into lending them money and even buying their stock. Greedy owners of the private banking cartel monopoly The Fed glad to lend "money"

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Today, on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who has held several hearings on the Bush administration’s torture program, said that President Bush has committed “impeachable offenses” "If we had a just system and it weren’t overly political, the president would be impeached. He has committed impeachable offenses."

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Wall Street was in an uproar on Tuesday as stocks churned, oil plummeted, and policy makers issued a darker outlook on the economy. Meanwhile, the dollar fell to a new low against the euro, GM said it would slash jobs and suspend its dividend, and a report showed that consumer spending slowed in June more than economists had anticipated. Fuck.

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With FC Barcelona and AC Milan agreeing to an €18.5m ($30m) deal for Brazilian Ronaldinho, many will be looking forward to seeing how well the Brazilian Trio (Kaka, Ronaldinho, and A. Pato) will mesh.

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Recently discovered Makemake is one of the largest objects known in the outer Solar System. Pronounced MAH-kay MAH-kay, this Kuiper belt object is only slightly smaller than Pluto, orbits the Sun only slightly further out than Pluto, and appears only slightly dimmer than Pluto.

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President Omar al-Bashir danced, punched the air in delight and shouted "Allahu akbar" in his first public appearance yesterday as a war crimes suspect. ..and promised to turn Darfur into a graveyard?...Yeah, that'll show that no genocide is going on, all right.

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According to reports, Khadr — who was just 15 years old when captured — was tortured while held by the U.S. in Bagram, Afghanistan, where “he was repeatedly brought into interrogation rooms on stretchers, in great pain” and “pain medication was withheld, apparently to induce cooperation.”

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Foreign mercenaries have joined so-called "war veterans" and militiamen attacking opposition supporters in rural parts of Zimbabwe, human rights workers have confirmed. Eyewitnesses say the men are more vicious than their Zimbabwean counterparts, with the marauding gangs attacking suspected members of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)...

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Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rounded on a powerful domestic critic who accused him of weakening the country's position with his belligerent rhetoric.

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George W. Bush, the man with the plan. The decider, has decided he'd like to open our pristine shores to oil drilling. Why would an Oil-man sellout his own country. How can you think with so much petroleum on the brain? Do people have to remind him to breathe? Find out why we're exporting 10 Million barrels a week? Oil shortage or truth shortage?

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In a break with past Bush administration policy, a top U.S. diplomat will for the first time join colleagues from other world powers at a meeting with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, The Associated Press has learned.

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Russia announced Monday that it is sending warships to patrol Arctic waters for the first time since the breakup of the Soviet Union — the latest move to increase the country's global military presence. Patrols by the Northern Fleet's Severomorsk submarine destroyer and Marshal Ustinov missile cruiser will begin Thursday...

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The first thing 32-year-old Nadine Bevis did after she found out that she was pregnant was— stop a knife-wielding thief . Perhaps pregnancy hormones contain some crime busting agents . Driving home from the doctor’s office, Bevis saw a man grab a boy ...

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The central role the NSA has come to occupy in domestic intelligence gathering has never been publicly disclosed. But an inquiry reveals that its efforts have evolved to reach more broadly into data about people's communications, travel and finances in the U.S. than the domestic surveillance programs brought to light since the 2001 terrorist attack

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Last Tuesday, Iran hanged another teenager, 19-year-old Hamid Reza, who was convicted of murder. The country's parliament is also considering a bill that could result in the death penalty being used for those deemed to be promoting corruption, prostitution and apostasy on the Internet.

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A videotape of a detainee being questioned at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp has been released for the first time, Canadian media have reported. The footage shows a 16-year-old Omar Khadr being asked by Canadian officials in 2003 about the events leading up to his capture by US forces.

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Tomorrow the barbaric assassin Samir Kuntar will be returned to his "brothers",without doubt amidst lots of shooting in the air and grandiose welcome speeches.He is fat,healthy,and well-kept.Israel is set to receive two soldiers in unknown condition,who never met a Red Cross representative,and whose families have no idea of their status.

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Allison Babiarz has cerebral palsy and could not ride a bicycle until last year when she got a custom-made three-wheeler that allows the teenager to cruise her Crystal Lake neighborhood.But the $2,000 bike was stolen last week from the family's home, leaving Babiarz, 13, and her parents pleading for its return.

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Kaleigh Lambert, 5, and her 4-year-old brother, Shane, died in January when their aunt intentionally carried them into traffic on Interstate 495 in Lowell, Mass. Their parents said Marci Thibault was suffering from mental illness and have started a campaign to push for changes in the mental health care industry.

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As news spread across the world of Iran’s provocative missile tests, so did an image of four missiles heading skyward in unison. Unfortunately, it appeared to contain one too many missiles, a point that had not emerged before the photo was used on the front pages of The Los Angeles Times.......

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When trade emissaries from the European Union arrive in Washington later this month to talk to Congress, the Justice Department, and other executive branch agencies, they'll have some difficult questions to ask. In particular, they'll ask about some gambling laws that rank among some the worst written sections of the United States Code.

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I have nothing but respect for McCain's military service, but that doesn't give him the right to misstate history. McCain brags that he has won wars--but we didn't actually win Vietnam, Bush and McCain frittered away victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. Will the press corps call McCain on this false braggadoccio?

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The Dark Knight is I suppose the greatest superhero movie ever made, but it’s so far beyond the limited men in tights genre that attempting to compare it with movies like Spider-Man, Superman, or even Batman Begins is almost laughable. Director Christopher Nolan’s film trumps everything and everyone, including himself.

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Going to the movies can be very educational. For example, you learn about sociology when you see teenagers pay $9 for tickets only to spend the whole time sending text messages. You learn about physics when you observe how an ordinary cell phone screen appears as bright as the sun. And the movies themselves can teach us, too!

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It is no surprise that with the release of the next Batman movie, The Dark Knight, only days away, the number of stories focusing on Gotham’s hero is increasing. The latest concerns a book written concerning the likelihood that Batman could actually exist, and what the toll on the human body would be after a career like Batman’s.

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It had to happen. There was bound to be one critic who didn't love 'The Dark Knight.' In fact, there will be several. That's just the way it goes. But do we really need other film reviewers calling New York Magazine's David Edelstein "ignorant" and a "so-called critic" because he disagrees with their glowing praise?

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In the eight months since BMW's announcement that they would enter the Superbike World Championship in 2009, the project has gathered pace and race fans everywhere have now been able to see the tangible aspects of the project properly for the first time.

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American investigators probing allegations of torture at an Iraqi juvenile prison in Baghdad found clear evidence earlier this year that Sunni children had been murdered by their Shiite captors, according to a lead officer on the investigative team. "The security detail came in literally as they were cleaning the blood from the floor - they had jus

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Insurgents who squared off with U.S. soldiers in a major battle in eastern Afghanistan overran a military observation point just outside a coalition outpost, but failed to take the base, a U.S. military official told CNN."It was heroic fighting," said another official, NATO spokesman Mark Laity, describing the U.S.-led troop performance.

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Judging more than 40 categories, airport customers chose it over 190 others in an annual survey conducted by Skytrax, a privately-owned research company in London, which released the results.The company ranked the airports after collecting 8.2 million questionnaires completed by passengers over a 10-month time period from 2007 to 2008.

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U.S. army deserter Robin Long is slated to be deported back to his army base in Fort Knox, Ky., Tuesday, which would make him the first resister to the U.S. war effort in Iraq to be sent out of Canada. "Mr. Long's deportation would be a terrible precedent for Canada, especially given our history of providing sanctuary for war resisters."

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Those who focused on the possibility of Iran and Israel going to war or a strike against the U. S. Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf have overlooked the chance that attacking elsewhere might also serve Iran's strategic interests, the BBC said in an article on its Web site last week.

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This just in, another earthquake has hit the Sichuan province where a major earthquake on May 12th has killed over 70,000 people and left millions homeless. lets pray for the rescue workers that are still there.

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John Lennon famously claimed the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, even predicting that Christianity would "vanish and shrink". But 28 years after his death, in an interview being broadcast for the first time, he claims that on the contrary, he hoped to encourage people to focus on the Christian faith.

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"I gotta say that it at first creeped me out to re-listen to the interview I did with Heath Ledger a year before he died. Ledger had just been cast as the Joker -- we didn’t discuss the role for very long, but it provides a glimpse into the performer’s uneasiness with the expectations that come with with starring in a blockbuster."

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Smoking can help boost memory and concentration, say scientists. The discovery offers hope of a nicotine pill that mimics these effects to treat Alzheimer's disease.Experts are developing drugs that copy the active ingredients in tobacco that stimulate the brain without causing heart disease, cancer, stroke or addiction.The move follows the discovery that nicotine can boost the intelligence and recall ability of animals in laboratory experiments.

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A group of scientists are scratching their heads this week as they try to figure out how a new species of bird came to be, way up in the mountains of Vermont. The bird was found on Stratton Mountain, and they think it's a hybrid of two species, the trush and the verry birds, which are normally found in much lower elevations...

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France's adhesion to secularity seems to generate the same prejudice it's supposed to prevent. The nation's highest administrative authority has denied a woman's naturalization application on the grounds that she's effectively too Muslim. The legal ruling is the first time a applicant had been rejected by France due to their religious practices.

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During a press availability today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that he’s been concerned by “a couple of steps that the Russian government took in the last several day,” including “reducing the energy supplies to Czechoslovakia.” But, as TPM’s Greg Sargent points out, Czechoslovakia hasn’t existed in 15 years.

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Today was the deadline for a Judiciary Committee subpoena issued to Karl Rove, demanding his appearance before the Committee to testify on his role in the politicization of the Department of Justice and the politically selective prosecutions of Democrats. Unfortunately, Mr. Rove chose not to show up.

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a law professor at the University of Arizona has concluded that neither Mr. McCain's birth in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone nor the fact that his parents were American citizens is enough to satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president must be a "natural-born citizen."

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The "terrorist" watch list now has more than one million names. Do you feel safer now? Since February we've been tracking the size of our government's list of ostensible terrorist suspects, which according to the government's own report has been rising at a rate of 20,000 per month.

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