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Facebook and MySpace, the two largest social networks, eagerly launched new iPhone applications last Friday. Both quickly shot up the the top apps list. But while both applications are useful for heavy users, they won’t drive new users to the services because they failed to leverage the killer iPhone feature - location awareness.

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BAGHDAD — Spc. Grover Gebhart has spent nine months at a small post on a Sunni-Shiite fault line in western Baghdad. But the 21-year-old soldier on his first tour in Iraq feels he's missing the real war — in Afghanistan, where his brother is fighting the Taliban.

With violence in Iraq at its lowest level in four years and the war in Afghanistan at a peak, the soldiers serving at patrol station Maverick say Gebhart's view is increasingly common, especially among younger soldiers looking to prove themselves in battle.

"I've heard it a lot since I got here," said 2nd Lt. Karl Kuechenmeister, a 2007 West Point graduate who arrived in Iraq about a week ago.

Soldiers who have experienced combat stress note that it is usually young soldiers on their first tour who most want to get on the battlefield. They say it is hard to communicate the horrors of war to those who haven't actually experienced it.

"These kids are just being young," said Sgt. Christopher Janis, who is only 23 but is on his third tour in Iraq. "They say they want to get into battle until they do, and then they won't want it anymore."

That soldiers are looking elsewhere for a battle is a testament to how much Iraq has changed from a year ago, when violence was at its height. Now it's the lowest in four years, thanks to the U.S. troop surge, the turn by former Sunni insurgents against al-Qaida in Iraq, and Iraqi government crackdowns on Shiite militias.

At least 29 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq last month, and there were 19 deaths in May — the lowest monthly toll for American troops since the war began in March 2003. By comparison, in Afghanistan, 28 Americans died in June and 17 in May, but there are four times as many U.S. troops in Iraq.

American military deaths in Iraq are also down sharply this month, in a trend that could take center stage during Sen. Barack Obama's planned visit to Baghdad and the debate over whether America's main battle is shifting back to Afghanistan.

At least eight soldier deaths had been reported for July by the military as of Wednesday — four in combat, two not connected to fighting and the recovery of remains of two soldiers missing since last year.

The daily average of 0.50 deaths so far is significantly below any month in the war. The lowest for a full month was 0.61 deaths in May, and the next lowest was 0.71 in February 2004.

The relative calm is apparent in Baghdad's Ghazaliyah neighborhood, patrolled by troops stationed at Maverick from the 1st Squadron, 75th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division.

Instead of facing gunfire and roadside bombs, the soldiers' armored Humvees are chased by waving children as they weave through streets crowded with pedestrians out to shop or just to stroll.

Some of Maverick's troops saw combat a few months ago when they helped the Iraqi army take over the Ghazaliyah office of anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in a battle complete with gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades.

But their days in Ghazaliyah have mostly been filled with routine patrols. The soldiers' job is to serve as a critical presence that helps keep violence down in the mixed Sunni and Shiite neighborhood.

"Ninety-five percent of the time it is perfectly quiet in Ghazaliyah now," said 1st Lt. Shane Smith, who leads one of the three platoons at Maverick.

Quiet can mean boredom, as Gebhart and a colleague turn in another four-hour shift in one of Maverick's guard towers, looking over a landscape of two-story concrete buildings and green fields dotted with a few cows and goats.

To while away the time, the young soldier from Omaha, Neb., talks of his brother, who is fighting the Taliban in the mountains outside Kandahar city in southern Afghanistan.

"He spends 20 days at a time camped out in the mountains, and the Taliban come engage them in serious firefights," said Gebhart. "At least it sounds exciting."

That excitement comes with a price, the officers here point out.

Militants in Afghanistan killed nine American soldiers Sunday, the worst attack on U.S. forces in the country in three years. More U.S. and NATO troops have been killed in Afghanistan than in Iraq over each of the last two months.

The soldiers at Maverick have faced tragedy during their tour, losing one comrade to a sniper in April and another to a roadside bomb in June.

But those deaths have only heightened the frustration of younger soldiers who joined the Army with the classic notion of fighting an enemy.

"These kids who joined the Army since the Iraq war started in 2003 are more fearless than when I joined during the Cold War," said 1st Sgt. John Greis, the senior enlisted soldier at Maverick. "They knew they were going to war."

But with violence down in Iraq, they have little opportunity to prove themselves as warriors to fellow soldiers, some of whom are only a few years older but have already battled al-Qaida in places like Fallujah and Mosul on previous Iraq tours.

Saying they want to go where the combat is — in Afghanistan — is one way for young soldiers to prove their toughness, colleagues say.

Some may get their wish. There is broad consensus in Washington that some U.S. forces can now leave Iraq and that more are needed in Afghanistan.

Both of the main presidential candidates — Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain — called this week for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan to battle the Taliban and al-Qaida fighters operating along the border with Pakistan.

After recently returning from Afghanistan, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said more troops are needed for the Afghan conflict. On Wednesday, he said he expected to be able to recommend American troop reductions in Iraq later this year if security continues to improve.

Not all soldiers in Iraq are pining for service in Afghanistan.

Greis, a 21-year veteran, isn't eager to seek out battle. "There is nothing cool about seeing your buddy on the ground during his last dying seconds of life," he said.

He rolled up his sleeve and pointed to a Latin phrase tattooed on his right shoulder: "Dulce Bellum Inexpertis" — "War is sweet for the inexperienced."


Monika Mathur of the AP News Research Center in New York contributed to this report.

Yep, you read that headline correctly.In arguably the biggest piece of stunt casting since How I Met Your Mother lassoed Britney Spears, sources confirm to me exclusively that Katie Holmes is returning to the small screen this fall on ABC's sophomore drama, Eli Stone.

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Women who wear burqas live in a prison, a French minister said in an interview. A Moroccan woman who wears the head-to-toe Islamic veil was denied French citizenship. France's top administrative court, rejected the citizenship request on the grounds that the woman's Muslim practices were incompatible with French laws on secularism & gender equality

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Firefox 3 has only recently shipped but the first public milestone for its successor is fast approaching. The Mozilla team is expecting that the code freeeze for alpha 1 of Firefox 3.1, code named Shiretoko, will be next Monday and that alpha 1 be available for early adopter testing on July 25.

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NATO-led forces have abandoned an outpost in eastern Afghanistan where nine U.S. soldiers were killed and 15 more injured repelling a fierce assault by Taliban militants last week. A NATO spokesman had described the defense of the outpost near the village of Wanat in Kunar province as "heroic."

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Jamaat-e-Islami Secy General Syed Munawar Hasan has warned that the US is anxiously waiting to attack Pakistan to pursue its nefarious designs. He demanded of the rulers to convene an emergency session of parliament to evolve a strategy for countering serious dangers being faced by the nation.

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(Reuters) - Malaysian opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim is likely to be released on bail on Wednesday, a police source said, after he was arrested on allegations of sodomy.

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Pakistani tribal elders Tuesday raised the alarm over a build-up of hundreds of NATO-led troops on the Afghan side of the border, but the military downplayed fears of any intrusion. The gathering of foreign troops came as Islamabad was under growing pressure from the US to curb cross-border attacks by Taliban militants.

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NATO forces in Afghanistan hit targets inside Pakistan w/ artillery and attack helicopters aft coming under rocket fire from across the border. "The troops identified a compound as the point of origin of the attacks and responded in self-defence with a combination of fire from attack helicopters and artillery into Pakistan."

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Google has been sued for fraud, business code violations, and unjust enrichment, claims arising from the company's alleged sale of low-quality ads. The class-action lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif., by lawyers from San Francisco-based Schubert Jonckheer Kolbe & Kralowec. The plaintiff is attorney Hal K. Levitte, who advertised his legal services though a Google AdWords pay-per-click campaign last year.

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The United Nations is to withdraw all of its non-essential staff from the war-torn Sudanese region of Darfur, the BBC has learned. The move comes after a prosecutor at the International Criminal Court sought the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for genocide in Darfur.

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TEHRAN: Iran has discovered a new oil field holding an estimated 233 million barrels of recoverable sweet oil, Oil Minister Gholamhossein Nozari said on Sunday. The field, which has in-place reserves of 1.1 billion barrels, lies in the oil-rich southwestern province of Khuzestan, north of the city Andimeshk, state television quoted Nozari as saying.

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